Rastall Art

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Fred Yates ‘Pen and Ink’ Drawing - an unusual commission

Like struggling actors, artists need to keep an income coming in during the early years of a painting career. This can involve unusual commission requests, and for art collectors this can lead to a rare item.

Around 1971 / 1972 Fred Yates found himself back with the Rastall household staying a few days around the Wye Valley in Chepstow with my grandmother. My father Robin was running the family business in Tintern, about 5 miles from Chepstow, and asked for Fred’s help with an unusual pen and ink commission.

Fred was not a stranger to pen and ink works, in fact he was a very good draftsman and observer of details. Whilst prices show the art market does not chase or really appreciate these early pen and ink art works, they are important, showing insight into the artist’s development.