George Manning-Sanders (1881-1953) | Artist and Author

George Manning-Sanders was an English artist and author born George Sanders in 1881. He met his wife, Ruth Manning, in Devon and they married in 1911, at which time they changed their names to Manning-Sanders.

An artist and art master in his youth, George Manning-Sanders later turned to writing. He wrote three novels and many plays and short stories. His play, "Mr Boyce's Birthday," became well known through being broadcast by the BBC.

His wife, Ruth Manning-Sanders (1886 – 1988), was a successful poet and author, predominantly folk and fairy tales in her later life. George and Ruth had two children, David and Joan. The family spent a lot of time in Cornwall. Joan Manning-Sanders (1913–2002), found fame as a teenage artist in the 1920s, and continued to paint throughout her life.

George Manning-Sanders died in an accident in 1953 aged 72.

We haven’t seen a lot of George Manning-Sanders artworks, but what is available is often light, with a lovely texture to the paintings.

Sources: www search and obituary


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