Kerry Strand (20th Century) | Computer Generated Artist

American, associated with CalComp and early Computer Art

Kerry Strand (born 1940) studied engineering and physics and worked for California Computer Products Inc. (CalComp) Technology, Anaheim, California, from 1966 to 1972. CalComp produced computer hardware like the CalComp plotters.

Strand won the first prize of the 6th Annual Computer Art Contest (1968) arranged by the magazine Computer Art Contest. His prize winning entry was the drawing Hummingbird.

In the same year of 1968, the works Crest, Hummingbird and other images form part of an exhibition in the New York Room of the Statler Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

During the course of this exhibition, a competition for computer artists, initiated by CalComp, was announced. Winning universities and individual artists were to be supported by scholarships.

All of Strand’s works, including representational works such as “The Fisherman” or The Snail of 1968, were exhibited under the name of the CalComp artist group.

With these works, CalComp also participated in important exhibitions of early Computer Art such as Cybernetic Serendipity in London in 1968 and tendencies 4in Zagreb 1968-1969.

Sources: www


Stork, Mary (1938-2007)


Strang, Michael (1942-2021)