John S Piper (1946 -) | Cornish Artist

Current Chairman of the Penwith Society of Artists

John Piper was born in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England in 1946 and moved to Cornwall whilst still at school. For 20 years he taught ceramics, drawing and painting in Penzance schools before ultimately deciding to paint full time.

Piper discovered contemporary painting styles in St Ives and first exhibited in the late 1960’s. His oil paintings explore the Cornish landscapes and cottages with a simple but contrasting colour palate creating depth. Often his paintings of Cornish Cottages will have large foregrounds (moorlands) of blues, greens or warm Ochres with etched lines and a few principal plants painted or scratched to the surface adding to the texture & depth.

John Piper is a Member of the Penwith Society of Artists and currently the Chairman, he was also a former Chairman of the Newlyn Society of Arts. His work has been shown in Cornwall, London, Europe and North America. He still works from his studio near Lands’ End.

Sources: www


Piper, Edward (1938-1990)


Remington, Mary (1910-2003)